Above all, I’m sure you’re a really great friend but there’s always room to improve yourself properly that’s why today we’re going to talk about how to be a better friend, and that’s something I’ve been trying to do lately on an ongoing basis. I think I’m a very good friend now I love my friends and I wanted to be the best friend I could be with them so I did the best I could do to improve my friendships so I could be there for them more so I could really make sure that I’m the best friend I can be so I go ahead Here are 10 tips for how you can become a better friend.

1. Don’t turn the conversation on yourself

The first thing you can do to be a good friend is not turn the conversation on yourself, and by that I mean when you ask your friend a question like how have you been lately or how was your day and he starts talking and says, you know it wasn’t great and then says something actually about you and something you like You’ve had it too instead of saying oh my God me too like I had the same experience something similar and then you go a little bit about yourself just let him finish what he was saying let him finish his day about the experience he’s telling you about without interrupting and turning the conversation back to yourself Good, it’s very easy to do and I think I do this a lot and it’s something I’m trying to be more aware of. Because it’s kind of rude when they’re trying to tell you something and you just stop them and say me too or Yeah I did that too or Listen to this experience I have I just Let them finish what they are going to say. After they finish talking, they will probably ask you about yourself and say how your day was or what you have been doing lately and then you can talk about yourself.

2. Be empathetic

The second thing you can do to be a good friend is to be empathetic maybe they are having a rough day or are going through a really tough time telling you about their struggles and experiences maybe you can’t quite relate to them and maybe they think you have really good advice for them the first thing I would do Is to let them finish the problem and not try to solve their problem don’t give all this advice they don’t ask you because maybe they don’t want you to advise them they just want you to really listen so maybe you can just listen and say I’m sorry you’re going through this I personally can’t I imagine what it would be like but I feel for you and I am here for you. Just something simple like that instead of trying to solve their problem or instead of trying to come up with a perfect solution.

3. Check your friends

The third thing you can do to be a good friend is to check on your friends for example a lot of times I do all day long about my usual things and all of a sudden one of my friends pops into my head right out of the blue that’s why I’m thinking maybe I should I text them and see how they do it and I do that moment when I have this random thought I just send a quick text I was just thinking of you cause I was hoping you were well we should meet soon. Just a simple quick text like this and I think that’s a really good way to be a good friend because it shows you’re thinking about them it shows you really care about them and it’s just something that doesn’t like getting a nice friendly text from your friend every once in a while while I don’t know that I do And I’m possibly sure your friends do.

4. Don’t be on the phone

The fourth thing we can do to be a good friend is not be on the phone it’s very easy to connect with your friends or in a group of people and everyone is turning to their devices it happens all the time but it is something you can work on to be a better friend is letting that aside and if they are running a conversation with you instead of talking to you on your phone and mm-hmm yeah cool like scrolling or doing something on your phone while you’re talking it doesn’t make them feel like you’re actually listening you actually care what they’re talking about so put your phone down and look them in the eye and give them your full attention.

5. Be honest with them

The fifth thing we can do to be better friends is, to be honest with them. If they asked you a question if it was about their clothes, about how they would act in a certain situation if they were like them, does that really sound bad or would you have heard the person instead of telling them what they wanted to hear, maybe you sound cool or not, you weren’t being rude Like if they take you the wrong way, be honest with them, you want to be that friend that they know they can go to and get real honest feedback and advice from because you’re not that bagel that just tells them everything they want to hear, you want to be that friend that tells them What they really need to hear to help them become a better person, too.

6. Sit with your friends and say hello

The sixth thing I want to talk about today with how to be a better friend is for you to sit down with your friends and say hey. I’ve been trying really hard to be a better friend lately. What can I do to be an awesome friend to you? What do you need me to be that great friend to you? And I see what they have to say. They probably have some great comments for you about how you can be a better friend to them. It doesn’t hurt to ask actually It might be something really healthy and even help build your friendship stronger just because you ask.

7. Be trustworthy

To be a good friend you must be trustworthy, for example, when you are dating your friends, you agree at a certain hour, it is good to be on the date. You must not evade your responsibility as a friend, for example, if your friend is in trouble, you must be responsible towards him. Being a good friend requires you to be trustworthy with your friends. If a friend asks you for a favor, don’t say you will and you can’t, be honest with the fact that you can’t.

8. Apologize when you make a mistake

If you want to be a good friend, don’t act like you’re flawless. Everyone makes mistakes, but few apologies. Your friends may be sad because you did something wrong to them, but believe me, they will be more happy when you apologize and you will grow up in their eyes because you are honest and humble. But when you say sorry, you must really mean it. You have to show your feelings that you are really sorry and then everything will be fine and maybe even better.

9. Disagree with your friends but in a respectful way

You don’t have to agree with your friends about everything, you are not a robot. As the proverb says: difference does not spoil the issue of friendliness. I mean when your friend shares an idea or a topic with you and you find him wrong, tell him that, but in a respectful way. Discussion enhances friendship and points of view open up new horizons of ideas and opinions about the topic or idea you were discussing.

10. Don’t use people

If you build charity in order to exploit people for your ends, then you are not a good friend. If your friends feel that you are using them in order to reach your goal, for example, to join a certain group, or for your friend to cheat you on exams, or to introduce you to another person or an important personality, then you will find that your friends are starting to fall like leaves from your hands. So be a true friend.


Being a good friend is not difficult, but it requires patience and persistence. So today I wanted to cover how to be a better boyfriend. I hope you start applying them today. Let me know in the comments below your favorite tip that you often find yourself doing. that you’re going to start doing or something. I hope you start becoming a better friend today to all of these wonderful people that you love.

And Read About How To Be A Good Teacher

Read More About How to Be a Good Friend

Anas Banat

As a WordPress developer and content writer, I founded Article Everyday to share insights on relationships, technology, education, human development, and more. Let's explore together!